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Sunday, January 10, 2010

In loving memory of CJ

Melissa at Stamp it, Scrap it, Share it posted the following on her blog and I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to support this worthy cause.

"It was about a week ago that I was pretty bored. No crafting mojo to speak of, didn't really want to watch a movie and I don't have a book at the moment either so I was playing around on my computer. I read a few blogs and then got on Facebook. Let me say, I am not necessarily a fan of Facebook - I don't get what all the charm it holds for some. Well, I was messing around and decided to go looking for some old friends from high school. I was surprised that I found a few. One of them being a someone who was very dear to me, particularly in my sophomore year.I was excited to see that he didn't have his page blocked, so I sent him a note. I was really happy to learn that Roger had married and I saw that he had a beautiful little girl. Then I was very sad because I learned that his little girl had been diagnosed with a brain tumor on January 20, 2009. You can read more about Charlotte and her family here. Sadly, Charlotte passed away on January 7th. My heart goes out to Roger and his wife Rachel. Well, Roger and Rachel have created the CJs Thumbs Up Foundation in order to pay it forward. Their mission statement is this: To provide financial support to families of children with chronic, life-threatening illnesses through individual giving and public/private partnerships with organizations who have similar goals. "

In her efforts to find a way to help, Michelle together with Joni (owner of Inktegrity) created a digital stamp where all the proceeds go to

If you are interested in purchasing this digi stamp go to Michelle's blog and on the right column you will see it. It is only $3 (using PayPal). Again, all proceeds go to

Later in the week I will be making a few items with this stamp and sharing it with all of you.


Melissa Craig said...

Thank you for helping out Sue. I appreciate the mention.

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